Another very early morning in search of the Milky Way. This was about 3am. There will be no Milky Way shooting for a couple of...

The Wizard

Quabbin Reservoir, MA

Another very early morning in search of the Milky Way. This was about 3am. There will be no Milky Way shooting for a couple of weeks now that the moon will be in the sky all night. This particular spot is a bit of a mountain bike ride and trek to get to and although the forecast called for clear skies I was not happy to see this bank of clouds moving in and covering the Milky Way when I arrived. I decided to work on my composition and positioning for another night when things were clear but ended up really liking the shape and movement in the clouds with the 30 second exposure. No Milky Way but it was still a magical night. I was able to get a few frames I like before the Milky Way and all the stars were covered with a blanket of clouds. Photo © copyright by Patrick Zephyr.

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